If you want to reach a specific product to someone else or bring it to yourself through Sundarban courier service, then you can take the help of Sundarban courier service tracking by phone number to know its current status.
That is, after sending a product through Sundarban Courier Service, you can track it by mobile number to know its current status.
You can get all the information related to how to complete this task with mobile number from this article.
Sundarban courier service tracking by phone number
If you want to know all the information regarding the current location of the product of Sundarban Courier Service by using the mobile number, then first of all you have to visit the following link.
Whenever you visit the above mentioned link you will see a page like below screenshot. Where you have to fill the box with your specific information.

Here you have to select your specific number from the first box which you want to know the current location information of Sundarban-Courier-Service product.
Here, by default, CN number is selected. Now you can track the product through the number of the person who sent you the product or through the number of the person who will receive the product.
If the person to whom the product has been sent wants to verify it through his own number, then he has to select the Receiver Number option. And if you want to know the information through the number of the person who sent the product, then you have to select the Sender Number option.
From the first option you select your specific option. And in the next option that is selected, leave it as it is.
And in the very last option put the number through which you want to track the product. After filling all the options properly, click on the Search button at the very end.

If all the information provided by you is correct then on the next page you will be able to know the current status of your courier service.
You can know the information regarding the current condition or location of the product that you want to take through Sundarban Courier Service.
Also, you can know the information regarding whether your particular product has been received by the courier service at the moment or if it has been delivered then its current location.
At present, you can complete the task of knowing the branch manager and all the information including the number of the branch manager in which branch your specific product is moving.
All the information related to Sundarban courier service tracking by phone number that you should have been informed about has been discussed in detail above.
Hopefully, you have been able to collect information related to Sundarban courier service tracking by phone number and how to complete the task of knowing the current status of your product through mobile number.
Finally, I think Sundarban Courier Service tracking by Phone number will help you.